Who is What If?

Remember in 2011 when a faux President Knobel suddenly announced that school was off via the all-student email? Or how about when WA announced that Shannon House was not up to par that Spring semester? We know the WA class of '11 does.

We are the hackers, coders, artists, intellects and modern day jesters of the kingdom upon the hill. You will not know who we are,  but we may hint as to our identity throughout our scriptures. Our ancestors came from a common source that lives on today, yet we are naturally separate from that entity. We sit in your offices, your dorms and play on your sports teams. We don't get along with the normality that has been set at Denison, and we will be zealous in changing it. We will bewilder those who spite us and we do not forget. We are quiet, yet you know we have something to say.

Well, here it is.

What if?

As this literary society thrives internally, few externally understand the true potential of rehashing Denison’s history into today’s mediated spaces. Few understand the typical Denison traits and phases that have repeated themselves time and time again. We as a collective community must come to understand these processes in order to manifest our own destinies as a community and as an educational entity.

Here at What If, our title rings literal to the everyday amelioration of the normality set in place. As students we must stare these issues in the face, rather than letting them lay in the back of our minds as if they are dead or imaginary. Denison's history is undeniable, yet our community has been taught to turn away with a gloomy, blind eye.

By pondering your everyday possibilities, we together can unlock the true potential of Denison and its vibrated reality along with working to change ourselves into an altruistic sense of being. Today we ask that the student community not only ponder themselves and their humanistic tendencies, but also to review the metaphorical and physical aspects of our realm upon the hill. By abusing the liberties of being a private institution, administration has created a tyrannical hierarchy and this system must be broken down to achieve a true spiritual grounding across all levels.

Our president and security has taken their wrath upon the students to many times to count yet we have allowed this. Our administration have created a kingdom where the same man has filled our own throne for over 10 years without an election. As time goes on, the students have become less and less of the hiring process and thus have been most affected by those selected. What if it were different?

Why is it now that we must suffer the gluttony and the austere puritanical practices of those heading our own domain? Why have those in control been questioned through violence instead of reasoning; must it all be black and white? Must we delve in our own troubles or let our powers as a whole come to fruition? Now is the time my friends.

The constituents of this entity have forever been in the hands of the elders and that must change. Despite the high turnover of Greek officials, disciplinary representatives and professors those heading the University have been successful in their scant schemes and thus the students have gained a false sense of power – one in which we have literally been brainwashed into cooperating. This must also change.

No longer will kings and queens, tyrants and gourmands run the kingdom in which we reside. No longer shall we allow decisions to be made without a general consensus across all social plains. No longer shall the students, stewards and those setting out on learned journeys be treated as the peasants, villains or serfs to those above. Your jesters known as what if have seen this, thus we will revenge and restore the wealth to the great masses.

Goodbye woeful eye.

The What Ifs